

The yzcca88游戏登录网址 人类学博物馆 (DUMA) is dedicated to increasing knowledge and understanding of world cultures and human diversity. The Museum emphasizes the ethical stewardship of collections, 研究, 教学, educational programming and responsible community engagement. DUMA supports the 人类学系's emphasis on applied and public anthropology in service to the common good.

The museum acknowledges that colonial legacies are embedded in anthropological collections. It strives to address historical wrongs by building collaborative, reciprocal relationships and respecting the rights and cultural protocol of communities represented in the collection.

Current and Upcoming 展品

The gallery is open Monday-Friday, 10-4. To confirm gallery hours or for special accommodations, please contact 安妮.amati@modonexpress.net 或致电303-871-2687.


本土电影学生 & 艺术电影节

DUMA provides a hands-on learning experience for students and works closely with the master's level Museum and Heritage Studies program in the 人类学系. Alongside faculty and staff mentors, students conduct 研究 and learn about the ethics of interpretation and stewardship. 学生 curate exhibits showcased in the museum’s gallery and display cases, and assist with projects related to collections care.

background image, indigenous art

DUMA’s Work with Tribal Nations

The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (美国原) provides a process for tribes to request the return of items from museums and federal agencies. Along with implementing 美国原 at the museum, we are engaging with other practitioners to further repatriation work and foster stronger relationships across the field.



Our exhibits showcase student and faculty anthropology 研究, as well as collaborations with campus organizations and community partners. The museum’s gallery on the first floor of Sturm Hall and exhibit cases on the first and second floors house our physical exhibits, while virtual exhibits are archived online.



这里有100多个,000 unique ethnographic and archaeological artifacts, DUMA’s collections include Southwestern pottery, African and Native American textiles, 来自世界各地的面具, and remarkably well-preserved yucca fiber and animal hide footwear from cave sites in Colorado.

Vicki Myhren Gallery exhibition.

探索 all 画廊 and 集合 in the 人文艺术学院 & 社会科学

画廊 & 集合


CAHSS Staff Interview: Anne Amati

Get to know 美国原 Coordinator for the 人类学系 and Staff Committee President Anne Amati.


Faculty 探索s Issues in Native American Communities

DU’s Anthropology Department welcomes new assistant professor and cultural anthropologist 凯利雅德.


International Student Researches Colorado Internment Camp Museum

Regina黄 has done her thesis work on the Amache Museum, which holds the history of Colorado’s only Japanese American internment camp during World War II.
