Survivor Advocacy & Healing - CAPE

The Center for Advocacy, Prevention, & Empowerment (CAPE) promotes healing by providing advocacy and support for survivors of interpersonal violence, such as sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. For those who have survived and are surviving interpersonal violence, you are not alone!

All CAPE services are confidential and free of charge.


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Who Are CAPE Advocates?

Our advocates have completed an intensive 40-hour training program. We understand the complexity of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment, and can assist individuals in making their own decisions about how to move forward and access resources. We are educated in medical, criminal, legal, and university systems, and can provide emotional support, information, and options for survivors.

Advocates are not counselors, although we can help connect individuals with a mental health therapy provider if requested.

Connect with a CAPE Advocate

During business hours: 303-871-3853

Connect 24/7 with the HCC Counselor on Call: 303-871-2205

Center for Advocacy, Prevention, & Empowerment
1981 S. University Blvd.
Denver, CO 80210

How We Can Help

CAPE advocates offer many helpful and confidential services free of charge to anyone in the DU community.

  • Provide a free, safe, and confidential space for any DU community member impacted by interpersonal violence to talk about what happened, including survivors and their friends and loved ones
  • Help survivors navigate the university, medical, criminal, and/or legal systems
  • Assist survivors with obtaining a civil order of protection (legal) or a no-contact order (University)
  • Accompany survivors to the hospital following an assault in order to receive a medical evaluation and/or a medical forensic exam (MFE), which is used to collect evidence should the survivor decide to pursue a criminal investigation
  • Discuss options for financial assistance
  • Help report an incident to the DU Office of Title IX, and accompany survivors throughout the investigative process
  • Assist with reporting an incident to the Denver Police Department or other law enforcement agencies, and accompany survivors to the police station
  • Provide referrals for visa and immigration assistance to victims of crime
  • Connect survivors to therapists on campus or in the community, as well as group counseling options
  • Arrange for temporary academic accommodations
  • Skill-build for developing healthy relationships
  • Collaborate with Campus Safety to arrange for private escorts and/or self-defense courses
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    DU & Community Support

    There are many resources available both on campus at DU and in the Denver community ready to offer their help and support to survivors and their loved ones.

    Learn More

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    Financial Support

    The CAPE Survivor Fund was initiated by a group of student activists who recognized the financial burden that interpersonal violence often has on survivors.

    Learn More

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    What Is Consent?

    Learn about what constitutes consent, what does not, and how it is defined by both the University of Denver and Colorado State Law.

    Learn More