
国际学生s have a number of on-and off-campus housing options available. 你需要考虑你的财务状况, 课程, 项目要求, 当你决定你在ca88登录正确网址上学时住在哪里时,你会有更多的选择.


学校提供校内住宿 住房 & 住宅教育. The University has a two-year on-campus requirement for first-year and second-year undergraduate students. 住房 options for graduate students vary and are subject to availability.

在你搬进校园宿舍之前, you will be required to sign a lease that obligates you to pay for housing for one academic year. 在签订任何租约之前,仔细考虑你的住房选择.

  • 学生宿舍

    Residence halls are dormitories in which one or more students live in a room, 一起在自助餐厅吃饭, 共用一间浴室. 你可以对美国室友提出特殊要求. The residence halls are mainly intended for students between the ages of 18 and 21 who are interested in experiencing community in an activity-focused environment. 因为有火灾隐患, 学生宿舍一般不允许做饭, 虽然你可能有一个小冰箱或微波炉.

    Most residence halls are closed during the summer and the six-week vacation period between fall and winter quarters from the end of November to the beginning of January. 如果你打算在夏天注册, notify the 住房 office and they will try to place you in a facility where you can remain for a full year. You will need to arrange your own housing during periods when the residence halls are closed.

    学生也可以申请加入DU的其中一个 生活 & 学习社区 (LLCs) which groups students with a common interest on one floor of a residence hall and provides specially-crafted seminar classes and activities to its participants.


有许多不同的方法来寻找可用的住房. 以下是一些寻找职位的建议:

住房和住宿教育办公室维持一个 在线平台 available to students, faculty, and staff to help with finding housing or roommates. 

The yzcca88游戏登录网址 owns and operates a number of rental units within walking distance of campus. 详情请浏览 租赁物业 网页.


重要提示:在回应任何房屋广告或网站时, use caution and do not disclose personal or banking information until you have met the person who posted the listing. You should always walk through a residence before paying any deposit or rent (excluding a small application fee)--be wary of 住房诈骗.




一旦你找到了公寓, 房子, 或者你想租的房间, the landlord will likely have you complete several additional steps before you will be allowed to move in.

Any document that you are asked to sign becomes a legally binding contract so you must read the documents carefully before signing.

  • 签订租约

    An application fee is often required to check a renter's credit and criminal history before being approved to lease a property.

    The lease agreement is a legal contract obligating you to pay rent on a property for a specified amount of time. 合同应该列出你的租赁条款, including the service you can expect from your landlord or rental agency. 在签字前,请仔细检查文件. 如果你有问题, speak to the landlord or property manager so that you fully understand its terms. 如果你和房东同意更改租赁合同, 一定要把它们写下来.

    尽管有时可能会“破坏”你的租约, 或者在合同规定的日期之前搬出, it is often difficult to do so and you could be legally obligated to continue paying the rent.

    请浏览 住房资源 section below for more information on your rights as a renter in Colorado.

  • 押金

    You may be asked to pay a security deposit and/or a damage deposit when signing a lease. The security deposit is often equal to the first and last months' rent to cover possible damage to the unit or unpaid bills. 在大多数情况下, 当你搬出去的时候,你会收到全部的押金, 前提是公寓干净整洁.

    在入住之前,你应该填写一份入住登记表. This sheet is a written document describing the condition of each room, 包括家具, 地毯和电器. Be sure to mark down anything that is damaged or stained or needs repair so that you will not be charged for previous damages. Keep a copy of the check-in sheet signed both by you and your landlord. If possible, take photographs of any damage you have recorded on the check-in sheet. 当你搬出去的时候, this documentation may help you resolve disputes with the landlord over the actual condition of the apartment when you moved in.

    当你搬出去的时候, the landlord is required by Colorado law to return the security deposit within thirty days of you leaving the property. Be sure to leave a forwarding address so the landlord can send you your deposit. 如果部分押金未退还, 房东必须给你一份书面通知,解释他为什么要离开.g. 未付的水电费、租客造成的损害或清洁费用. 房东可能不会保留押金以弥补正常的磨损.

  • 房东的保险

    Renter's insurance provides compensation to a tenant in the event of losses caused by fire, 盗窃, 或破坏, 不管谁有错. Insurance policies generally provide coverage for all items in your home, 包括服装, 电子产品, 个人财产, 以及建筑物本身的任何损坏. 租客的保险费用各不相同, 但它通常被认为是一项不错的投资, 尤其是如果你家里有贵重物品的话.


  • 公用事业公司

    在你搬进公寓之前, confirm with the landlord or rental company what utilities are included in your monthly rent. 常见的公用事业提供商包括:

    • ——丹佛水公司
    • 电力及煤气- Xcel Energy
    • 电视和互联网接入 - CenturyLink, Comcast, DirectTV或Dish Network
    • 本地电话业务 - AT&T, CenturyLink
    • 垃圾和/或污水 -由丹佛市提供

    除非水电费都算在房租里了, you will need to contact the service provider directly to activate water, 权力, 电话, 或互联网. 一般, 服务提供商提供捆绑包, where you can receive a discounted price for multiple services such as cable TV, 高速互联网, 本地电话服务和/或手机服务.

    一些公用事业需要在激活前支付押金. 如果你和室友合租一间公寓, you may choose to open utility accounts in different names so you are each responsible for payment. Make sure you discuss these responsibilities with each of your roommates. The person whose name is on the lease or utility account is ultimately responsible for paying any bills.

  • 洗衣

    部分公寓在单元内设有洗衣机和烘干机, while others come with access to a common laundry facility that all tenants may use. If your apartment has neither, you will need to locate a laundry facility ("laundromat") elsewhere. Common laundry rooms and laundromats typically have machines that require payment in quarters. 使用公共洗衣设施时, use caution regarding your clothes and personal items to ensure they are not damaged or stolen.



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