Our campuses give you access to a wealth of academic resources, 活跃的社会团体, 空间来反映自然和落基山脉, 以及在丹佛找工作的机会. Intimate campus environments matched with comfortable residential spaces mean DU has it all — making it not only a great place to study, 也是为了生活.
已被DU录取? Click the button below to explore visit 项目 specially designed for our admitted students:
We truly believe that visiting campus is the best way to learn about a school. 本科ca88登录正确网址 offers campus visits Monday through Friday. These include a 60-minute information session with an ca88登录正确网址 representative, 然后和一名杜克大学的在校生一起参观90分钟的校园.
Additional campus appointments are available, subject to availability. 您可以在参观登记时进行选择.
If you're interested in a more in-depth campus visit experience, the 探索杜 program is an opportunity for you to engage directly with students from different 项目.
探索DU会议将于今年夏天举行 7月1日 和 8月2日 从早上9点开始.m. - 12 p.m. 活动将包括一个45分钟的信息环节, 学生小组, 然后是90分钟的校园参观.
在我们的虚拟信息会上, 杜克大学招生代表将讨论学术问题, campus life 和 the application 和 financial aid processes for prospective DU students. You'll also get to know some current students 和 their experiences 和 perspectives.
我们为最多40人的团体提供特别参观课程. 这些都是高中的绝佳机会, community colleges 和 educational organizations to teach their students about college access 和 planning while supported by our admission 和 counseling staff.
If you're a high school counselor or higher education consultant, 欢迎你报名参观杜! 校园参观持续2天.共5小时, including a 60-minute information session with an admission representative 然后和一名杜克大学的在校生一起参观90分钟的校园. You'll learn about everything from application timelines to our fantastic study abroad program.
如果你要去丹佛地区, you're welcome to explore DU's stunning grounds 和 surrounding neighborhoods with our Self-Guided Tour. This comprehensive audio tour of campus is narrated by a current DU student.
在舒适的家中了解校园! 在您的闲暇时间探索360度虚拟之旅. Tour guides will show you around DU via live webinar 和 will provide exclusive access into buildings (including the new residence hall 和 the Community Commons with central dining) while sharing stories about their student experience.
你是未来的一年级学生吗, International or Transfer student with questions about applying to DU? 我们期待与您进行一对一的交流!
There are a lot of things to learn about 和 consider as you continue to explore the possibility of becoming a student at the University of Denver. 下面, we've linked to a few video playlists filled with some of our most popular 和 most-requested webinar recordings so you can get a head-start on learning about DU! 此外,还可以观看DU的直播校园之旅!
If you're interested in gaining a deep dive perspective on all-things DU, the Friday@DU program is an opportunity to get the inside scoop. Friday@DU is a half-day program which includes an information session, 在校生小组, 校园之旅, 午餐(我们请)!)、资源展销会和可选的小组约会.
暮光之旅(提供英文 & 西班牙语)
DU's Twilight Tour will last from 5:30 - 7:30 PM 和 will consist of a half-hour information session with an admissions counselor followed by a 1.由学生带领的5小时校园游. Highlights of the tour include academic buildings, a dining hall 和 athletic facilities.
El Tour Crepúsculo en español de DU durará de 5:30 a 7:30 PM y consistirá en una sesión informativa de 30 minutos con un consejero de admisiones y un recorrido por el campus de 90 minutos dirigido por estudiantes. Los aspectos más destacados del recorrido incluyen edificios académicos, 联合国移民安置署.
Stay tuned for future event announcements (Estén atentos a futuros anuncios de eventos.).
方向 & 物流
Find your way to campus, arrange a hotel, 和 learn about transportation options. 我们会告诉你此行的期待, 要带什么, 并建议你在丹佛做什么.
If you're considering joining us as a graduate student or you've already been admitted, 我们希望你能抽出时间来参观我们的校园. Because our 校园之旅s are geared toward undergraduate students, 大多数信息可能与你没有直接关系. But it's still a great chance to explore campus 和 get to know the neighborhood.
Our counselors enjoy meeting prospective students from all over the country 和 the world. Find out what in-person 和 virtual events we'll be participating in next.