Everything you'll need
If you're a current Pioneer, 我们有丰富的资源为您提供,以确保您在学术上走上正轨,并领导一个充实和快乐的学生生活. 无论你是需要课程和注册方面的帮助,还是只是想结识新朋友,找到新的参与方式, we have you covered.
Navigate to a Section
Student Essentials
Office 365
Access your email account, Microsoft Word, OneDrive和其他可以帮助你完成作业的资源.
Office 365
Stay on top of your deadlines
Academic Programs
查找杜的学术课程在本科和研究生水平的信息, including degree requirements and course selection.
Academic Advising
作为一名杜学生,你可以从我们的教职员工那里获得丰富的咨询服务. 你可以与导师一对一地讨论你的学位进展, internships, career opportunities, graduate school applications and more.
Career & Professional Development
如果你正在寻找实习机会,或者在规划毕业后的未来时需要建议, Career & Professional Development has you covered. 停下来预约,利用我们庞大的实习和就业数据库, with help from our dedicated career advising staff.
Writing Center
Get help on class papers, 论文和多媒体项目,以及个人和专业写作任务. 写作中心可以为所有技能水平的作家提供帮助.
Research Centers
你可以从教师和其他在职研究专家那里得到支持,帮助你确定你的目标,并在研究中心的道路上保持正轨, open to all students. 我们的本科生还可以寻求额外的研究支持, including funding, at the Undergraduate Research Center.
Learning Effectiveness Program
学习效率计划(LEP)是一项全国认可的收费服务计划,为yzcca88游戏登录网址有学习障碍的学生提供个性化的学术支持, 注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)或学习差异史.
Student life
Student life
Looking to get involved around campus? ca88登录正确网址有100多个学生经营的俱乐部和组织, from the Alpine Club to gaming groups, club sports and service-based organizations.
Student Life
Fraternity & Sorority Life
Looking to join a fraternity or sorority? 我们百分之二十六的学生参加兄弟会 & 姐妹会的生活,和成员努力工作,以改善我们的当地社区. 找出兄弟会和姐妹会的新生活,并参与其中!
Fraternity & Sorority Life Organizations
Come cheer the Pios!
Looking for tickets to one of DU's 17 Division I teams? Students can get discounts to most events.
Get Tickets Now
Student Code of Conduct
Review the DU Code of Conduct, 哪些概述了学术规则以及在违反代码的情况下为您提供的资源.
Diversity Career Resources
我们致力于为各种背景的学生提供就业机会. If you're starting your career search, 查看我们专门为历史上代表性不足的学生提供的实习和求职资源.
Diversity Services
我们加强了对包容性校园的承诺,为所有背景和社会身份的学生提供一系列支持服务和亲和团体. Find your home with your fellow Pioneers.
Student Complaints
Find the procedures to submit grade appeals, tuition appeals and other problems students may encounter.
State Contacts
如果你参加了远程学习或在线课程, you can contact a regulatory agency from your home state.
Student discounts
你知道DUZone卡能让你在商场打折吗, restaurants and hotels near campus and all around Denver?
Get your card now
Graduate Student Resources
研究生可以查看研究生政策和程序页面,了解注册信息, degree requirements, thesis submission and other graduate-specific tasks.
Office of Graduate Education
Visit our Center for World Languages & Cultures to work with language coaches, take proficiency exams, 学习从西班牙语到斯瓦希里语的语言,并准备出国留学!
Health & Counseling Center
HCC提供由认证的保健专业人员提供的检查和心理健康服务. 大多数HCC服务对大学健康计划涵盖的学生是免费的.
Disability Services
我们为残疾学生提供平等的机会使用杜里大学的所有服务和项目. 如果您有yzcca88游戏登录网址校园无障碍的问题或意见,请与残疾人服务办公室联系.
Campus Dining
In partnership with Sodexo, 我们努力确保你永远不用找很远的东西吃. 如果你有饮食限制或在我们的校园食堂营养问题, 你可以和索迪斯的厨师约个时间讨论一下你的需求.