
Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels—和 Harm Reduction



Nika Anschuetz






How the 巴特勒研究所 for 家庭 is helping a first-of-its kind behavioral healthcare program for drag performers.

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巴特勒家庭研究所, a part of the University of Denver’s Graduate School of Social Work, is a lifeline for many Colorado organizations working to improve outcomes for community members, 和 its latest project—an innovative harm reduction program—passes the vibe check.

它被称为 营造氛围. 的一部分 Mile High行为保健,  the program aims to promote 和 offer safer solutions to sexual health, wellness 和 harm reduction through free programming, 资源和测试. It launched in 2022 through a Substance Abuse Mental 健康 Services Administration grant (SAMHSA),  

而MHBHC拥有临床专业知识, they don’t always have the capacity to conduct comprehensive evaluations of their 项目.

这就是 梅雷迪斯•西尔弗斯坦他是该研究所的高级研究助理 巴特勒研究所,她的团队介入. They can provide a broad range of services including evaluation, research 和 program support.

“What we offer is a different way to look at the data,” Silverstein says. “We’re able to bring that longitudinal perspective as well as support in underst和ing 和 applying what we’re learning from the data.”  

Since the 项目 at MHBHC are pushing the conventions of public health, 这方面的研究很少, 巴特勒团队的支持是无价的.

“They’re a team of really bad ass people,” says program manager Zack Jenio. “I love working with the Butler team because they not only help bring in evidence from literature 和 the academic conversation but also help conduct research within our priority populations 和 local community to make informed decisions.”

营造氛围的最新项目, the 巴特勒研究所 developed training materials for a first- of-its-kind harm reduction education program for drag performers. 阻力性能, which were first documented in the late 19th century, are seen as a form of art 和 a platform for activism.

杰尼奥的扮相. Zackarina, exemplifies the powerful combination of drag 和 harm reduction education. 当博士. Zackarina puts on her wig 和 sashays onto center stage, people listen. 杰尼奥称之为假发特权.

“你有这个平台. 你吸引了人们的注意力. 你用它做什么?他说. “拖拽是一种有效的工具. 它有趣、迷人、做作、迷人. Fun is an incentive to get people engaged with different programming.”

The program is designed to educate drag artists in harm reduction principles 和 encourage them to integrate the messages into their performances. From explaining how to use Narcan—the drug overdose reversal drug—to explaining safer sex practices, trained artists will be able to empower other community members. 到目前为止,它是有效的. Butler’s diligence 和 care on the project has contributed to the promising results in pre-和 post-knowledge tests.

“I’m grateful for everything that they’ve done,” Jenio says. “Their cultural competency with queer communities is very important. They’ve just always been allies with a capital A, in a way that’s informed, compassionate.”

With the 巴特勒研究所 working to evaluate the program, Jenio 和 his team have more time to be out in the community. 到目前为止, 营造氛围 has served hundreds of people through appointments, 性健康检查, 面对面的培训, 活动和社交媒体.

“Our community partners are out there saving lives every day,” Silverstein says. “支持他们的工作是我们的动力.”