Campus & Community Partners

我们知道高中和社区组织——以及杜里大学的教职员工——在学生获得杜里大学学位的能力中起着重要的作用. Below, 你会发现信息和资源,以帮助学生保持轨道和做出明智的决定.

students on campus

High School Counselor Resources

  • Key Financial Aid Facts
    • 83 percent of need met for undergraduate students
    • 84 percent of aid for undergraduates is scholarships and grants
    • $47,844 平均的经济援助计划是针对首次ca88登录正确网址的一年级学生的吗
    • 100 percent of students receive a grant or scholarship

    > Learn more about price and affordability


    2024-25 Cost of Attendance:
    (For full-time students living on campus)
    Direct Costs: Tuition $60,084
      Fees $1,350
      Housing $10,928
      Food $6,831
      Subtotal $79,193
    Indirect Costs: Books, Course Materials, Supplies, & Equipment $1,000
      Transportation $627
      Personal Expenses $1,746
      Loan Fees $68
      Cost of Attendance $82,634


    DU School Codes:
    • CSS Profile: 4842
    • FAFSA: 001371


    Important Links:

Information for Scholarship Providers

  • Financial Aid Data Sharing Policy

    The Family Educational Records and Privacy Act (FERPA) 禁止高校在未经学生书面同意的情况下向第三方分享学生信息. 这意味着我们只能与奖学金提供者分享经济援助记录,如果学生提供明确的, 书面许可,我们这样做,通过释放学生记录表格.

  • Submitting Scholarship Funds

    确保学生的账户在费用到期之前被记入贷方,并防止学生累积滞纳金, submit funding by:

    • August 1 for fall quarter
    • November 1 for winter quarter
    • March 1 for spring quarter
    • May 1 for summer quarter


    Please note that we do not bill you for scholarship payments. If you require an invoice or bill, 你应该要求学生提供他或她的账户对账单的副本. If you require bills for housing, books or other educational costs, you must ask the student to provide the appropriate documentation.

    Send scholarship checks (payable to the University of Denver) to:

    Financial Aid
    University of Denver
    2197 S. University Blvd
    Denver, CO 80208-9403

picture of bikes

Information for DU Staff and Faculty

  • Student Award Policy

    Various offices, programs, ca88登录正确网址校园内的部门和项目通常希望用他们可以支配的资金为学生提供奖励和礼物. 这些奖励和礼物的目的是否是为了认可和奖励学生的成就, or to assist students in times of need, 提供这些服务的愿望和自由是一个充满活力的社区的重要组成部分. However, federal financial aid regulations also require that in certain cases, 在确定每个学生获得的经济援助总额时,这笔资金将得到适当的核算和考虑.

    If you provide funding to a student in the form of a prize, award, scholarship, gift, fellowship, etc., please submit the Student Award Request form. For more information about this form, please review our Practical Guide, and email us at with any questions.

  • DU Departmental Scholarship Application Process

    DU部门奖学金申请于每年2月向在读学生开放. The 2023-24 timeline for units to review and select their scholarship recipients is below. If you have any questions, please contact us.

    • Early March: Departmental Scholarship Awarding training via Zoom
    • February 27th:  Scholarship application opens for students in MyDU
    • Mid-March: Scholarship budgets sent to units
    • Late March: First-time, first-year scholarship recipient selections are due
    • April 7th:  Scholarship application closes for students
    • Early April:  Scholarship review opens for faculty/staff in RZASCHL
    • Mid-May: Scholarship selections are due from faculty/staff
    • Late May:  Scholarship posting
    • Mid-June:  Financial aid offers sent to students
  • Institutional Code of Conduct for Educational Loans

    2008年的《ca88登录正确网址》(HEOA)要求高等教育机构制定并执行一项行为准则,禁止经济援助人员的利益冲突. In compliance with this requirement, yzcca88游戏登录网址根据HEOA制定了以下行为准则.

    Other University employees, officers, 负责教育贷款的中介机构也必须遵守这一政策.

    Code of Conduct

    Conflict of Interest: 任何员工都不得在其负责的任何教育贷款或其他学生经济援助方面存在利益冲突.

    Ban on Revenue-Sharing Arrangements: 学校不得与任何贷款人或其他与学校财务援助办公室合作的供应商签订任何收入分成安排. 大学不接受任何费用或其他物质利益作为向学生推荐贷款机构的交换.

    Gift Ban: 任何负有经济援助责任的大学官员或员工不得索取或接受礼物(如.g., a gift of services, transportation, lodging, or meals, provided purchase of a ticket, payment in advance, (或偿还)从贷方获得的货币价值超过最低金额的, guarantor, or servicer of education loans.

    Contracting Arrangements Prohibited: 任何负责经济援助的大学官员或员工不得接受任何贷款人或贷款人附属机构的任何付款或其他经济利益,作为向贷款人提供任何类型的咨询安排或其他服务合同的补偿.

    Interaction with Borrowers: 大学不会自动将特定贷款人分配给任何借款人, 不得以选定的贷款人或担保机构为依据,拒绝或拖延对贷款的认证.

    Prohibition on Offers of Funds for Private Loans: 大学不得要求或接受任何贷款人提供用于私人教育贷款的资金,以换取大学向贷款人提供特定数量或数量的联邦贷款,或换取在首选贷款人名单上的位置.

    Co-branding: 学校禁止任何私人教育贷款机构使用学校的名字, emblem and logo as well as any words, pictures, 或与大学有关的符号,以暗示贷款人认可私人教育贷款.

    Ban on Staffing Assistance: 大学不得要求或接受任何贷款人在呼叫中心人员配备或财务援助办公室人员配备方面的任何协助. Lenders, however, may provide professional development training to financial aid administrators, educational advising materials to borrowers, or assistance in state or federally-declared natural disasters.

    Advisory Board Assistance: 所有承担经济援助责任的员工不得从贷款人或担保人那里获得任何有价值的东西,以换取其在咨询委员会的服务. 报销与该服务有关的合理费用, however, is permitted.



Financial Aid