COVID-19 Resources for Minoritized Communities

美国和yzcca88游戏登录网址正在应对两大流行病——医学COVID-19和种族不公正的人道主义危机. 我们知道,每个部门都有直接和不同的影响,以下办事处和小组可以提供支持.

Resources for Students, Staff, and Faculty

  • Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT)

    偏见事件响应小组(BIRT)是一个内部工作组,负责协调校园对偏见事件的响应. BIRT does NOT investigate, adjudicate or otherwise participate in judicial/legal processes, but provided support to individuals and populations affected by such incidents.

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  • Equal Opportunity and Title IX

    yzcca88游戏登录网址致力于为所有受到性别歧视影响的校园社区成员提供支持和帮助, harassment, and violence, including sexual assault, relationship or dating violence, and stalking.

    Email or call English: 303-871-7016, Español: 303.871.7766

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  • Native American Services

    Native American Services provides support for current students, staff, 并通过发展与当地的关系来参与社区关系, regional and national Native communities.

    如果你知道一个土著DU社区成员需要支持,请联系临时印第安人联络人 & Program Manager: Stevie Lee,

  • Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI)

    The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) provides leadership, guidance, 以及支持yzcca88游戏登录网址致力于建设一个更加多元化和包容性的机构的资源.


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  • Veterans Services

    退伍军人服务办公室以退伍军人为yzcca88游戏登录网址提供独特的学术和社会品质的知识为指导, 退伍军人服务办公室的愿景和使命是通过特殊的节目来支持我们的退伍军人.

    Director: Damon Vine,

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  • The Women's Coalition

    The Women's Coalition creates and fosters a University of Denver culture that values and empowers all women; it is the umbrella organization to which all six University of Denver women's groups belong.

    Chair: Tali Koziol Thomason,

DU Staff and Faculty Support

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    The University of Denver is committed to providing reasonable accommodations ,以确保残疾人士在理大享有平等的就业机会.

    Contact the Disability Services Program (DSP) at or call at 303-871-3241

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  • Black@DU

    Please reach out with questions or suggestions should you need support. Black@DU的使命是为yzcca88游戏登录网址的黑人教职员工提供一种文化和社交网络氛围. 该组织致力于通过营造一种吸引人的校园氛围来提高杜克大学黑人体验的质量, unified, encouraging and promotes upward mobility. Black@DU exists to enhance communication and champion diversity, inclusion, opportunity and social justice while challenging racism in all forms, including any expressions of it within the University community.


  • Faculty and Staff Support Network (FSSN)

    Help your colleagues connect to the resources and support they need. FSSN的设计是为了解决一个重要的缺口:如何代表那些看起来正在挣扎的人进行干预. It is a supplement to the many other community resources available to DU employees.

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  • Faculty of Color Association (FOCA)


    Association Co-Chairs:

    • Apryl Alexander -
    • Brain Gonzalez -
  • Human Resources & Inclusive Communities
  • Latinx Center at the University of Denver

    拉丁中心的成立是为了成为大学内外拉丁声音的中心. 它是一个由来自整个大学的跨学科教师组成的联盟,他们致力于将杜伊大学置于学术中心, teaching, and service related to Latinx communities in the Rocky Mountain west.

    Director: Deb Ortega,

  • Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL)

    The OTL has many resources for supporting online and hybrid learning and teaching. The Inclusive Teaching Practices (ITP) website is designed to support educators in creating dynamic courses, removing barriers to learning, and dismantling oppressive practices by implementing inclusive pedagogies. ITP modules 是为了支持yzcca88游戏登录网址及其他地方的教师发展必要的知识基础,以制定包容性的实践,同时在他们的学术生命周期中成功地发挥关键作用.

    The OTL also offers a number of workshops, training sessions, 和教师学习社区,教师可以参加,以加强他们的教学实践. Register for upcoming events at here

  • Queer Faculty Association (QFA)

    酷儿教师协会(QFA)通过倡导支持LGBTQIA+和被质疑的校园教师, scholarship, and social networking. QFA的工作是连接整个大学的酷儿教师,并确保杜是一个肯定所有酷儿学生的空间, staff, and faculty.

    Chair, Sister Fred Chevillot,

  • Queer University Employees (QUE)



    • Ashley Hunt: 
    • Dong Dinh: 
  • Staff of Color Association (SOCA)

    有色人种员工协会(SOCA)致力于促进yzcca88游戏登录网址历史上未被代表的种族和民族的员工的利益和倡导. 我们尊重和庆祝我们文化的多样性,并通过为成员提供一个支持性的社区和勇敢的空间,积极为大学做出贡献, fostering belonging for all intersecting experiences, sharing knowledge about the campus climate, providing support for the recruitment of diverse candidates throughout the University, and establishing meaningful connections between staff, students, and faculty of color.


    • Katia Miller,
    • Rosalynn Feagins,

DU Student Support

  • Access and Transitions Programs

    Access and Transitions Programs provides support for pathway programs, first-generation, minoritized, and other underrepresented students by creating community activities, offering mentorship, hosting academic success workshops, promoting leadership development, providing resource referrals, sharing potential scholarship support.

  • The Cultural Center

    The Cultural Center creates an environment where students of color, students of marginalized faiths, LGBTQIA+学生可以在加强教育的同时批判性地参与他们的历史遗产, intellectual, and personal/professional interest as it relates to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic, and cultural sensibilities; while providing a physical safe haven for respite and dialogue as they navigate their journey at the University of Denver.

    • Chenthu Jayachandiran,
    • Jasmine Pulce,
    • Cody Ortiz-Oldham,

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  • Disability Services Program (DSP)

    残疾服务计划(DSP)致力于为残疾学生提供平等的机会参与大学的课程, courses and activities. 根据《yzcca88游戏登录网址》和《yzcca88游戏登录网址》第504条的要求,DSP为任何有残疾证明的学生免费提供住宿. 住宿的设计是为了让学生有平等的机会参加大学的课程, courses, and activities.

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  • Inclusion and Equity Education (IEE)

    Inclusion and Equity Education (IEE) provides readymade workshops including:

    • Introduction to Inclusive Excellence
    • Responding to Microaggressions
    • Introduction to Dialogue Skills
    • Queer & Ally (Q&A) Trainings

    The workshops above and custom sessions can be scheduled for groups of students.

    Visit (includes training request link).

    Director: Thomas Walker, PhD,

  • Learning Effectiveness Program (LEP)

    学习效率计划(LEP)为具有特殊学习障碍的神经多样性学习者提供个性化的支持, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), students on the Autism Spectrum, and/or students who have a history of learning differences.

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  • International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)


    • advocacy for international student and scholar issues on campus
    • cultural adjustment and immigration advising
    • orientation and employment workshops
    • support of international student organizations
    • cross-cultural programming
    • issuance of immigration documents, authorizations, and certification letters

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  • Student Affairs and Inclusive Excellence


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  • Student Outreach and Support

    With any concerns for undergraduate or graduates students, including the application to the student assistance fund, please fill out an SOS Referral here:

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