Pre-Departure Orientations

Whether you are a seasoned international traveler, or this is your first time abroad, regardless if you are a student, 教师, 或员工, it's important to brush up on some baseline information. Having a better underst和ing of the many resources DU offers in support of its travelers 和 being familiar with your responsibilities as a DU representative abroad are integral to a successful experience. The International Travel Health 和 安全 team has developed two short, 免费的, online courses to help you take off on the right foot.  


  • Pre-Departure Orientation

    Designed primarily with students in mind, this course would be helpful to any DU traveler. This course provides baseline information to prepare travelers to responsibly manage their own health, 安全, 和 security while abroad. Covering topics such as how to use the international travel medical/emergency insurance, what to expect when engaging with a new culture, expected conduct, 和 the many ways our 旅行援助 partner can assist, the course is split into three short modules. Each module has a video on the topics of "Travel Logistics, 保持健康, 及海外安全," useful supplemental materials, 还有一个小测验. Upon completion of all the modules, the student will receive a confirmation email that can be shown to program administrators, 如果请求. Travelers may enroll in this Canvas course using this link:  

  • Taking Students Abroad

    This orientation course provides information related to the responsibilities 和 expectations of being a Program Leader as well as valuable resources for both you 和 your students.  Completion of the course is required at least every two years 和 before final approval will be granted for any 项目建议. The content is arranged in 4 sections, each with a quiz to help gauge a Program Leader's underst和ing of the material. The topics covered are:

    • Logistics of Being a Program Leader
      • 如何使用我们的 旅行援助 partner to keep you 和 your students safe
      • Customizable templates for presenting your program-specific pre-departure orientation.
    • Program Leader Conduct
      • What are the expectations of Program Leaders
      • 注意事项
    • Working with Students in Distress
      • Identifying mental health issues
      • How to converse with 和 support a student who needs emotional support
    • Managing Incidents Abroad
      • What to do in a variety of situations
      • 什么时候给谁打电话


    This course can be found here:
