表 Desktop

We administer 表 Desktop licenses for the University. 教师 和 staff may obtain a license free of charge to develop visualizations for administrative operations. Students 和 instructors may obtain an academic license directly from 表.

For more information about 表 Desktop licenses, please contact:

Getting Started

The University currently has a limited number of licenses for 表 Desktop. In order to ensure these licenses are used effectively, we can only release one to a unit with a demonstrated business need 和 visualization development knowledge.

If you are new to 表, we recommend you download the free trial version to help determine if 表 is appropriate for your needs.

Requesting a License

To request a 表 Desktop, please email the following information to Ben Siebrase:

  • First 和 last name
  • Unit 和 department
  • Brief description of how 表 Desktop will be used
  • Brief description of your level of expertise with 表 Desktop

Sharing Visualizations

Visualizations that contain institutional data should be stored in 表 Server, not 表 Public. We also recommend disabling options for downloading data when publishing a visualization to 表 Server.